IPv6 costs a lot but has no advantages? A common misconception in many organizations. IPv6 expert Silvia Hagen explains in this article, that this perspective ignores areas in which IPv4 becomes more and more of a problem where IPv6 brings solutions. Find an overview in this article (German).

Link to Blog (German)

IPv6 is slowly but irresistibly making its way into the Internet and into our networks. In industrial countries, the average user adoption rate is around 30%, Belgium being the leader with over 50%. Over 25% of the Top Alexa 1000 websites are dual-stack, which means, they are reachable over IPv4 and IPv6. On all front pages and in the top news we read about the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain. Both technologies use billions of connections between users and devices and are totally interconnected.

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A sensible planning requires a long-term perspective. In many cases, a mindshift is necessary.